Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sunga coin

Thanks Soumen Nath for identification

Sunga coin

Left: Indradhwaja an elephant over platform. Right: tree in railing, hollow cross and Three arched hill with crescent over it.
Thanks: Soumen Nath for identification

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Top one Indo-Scythian satrap Rajavula Pallas Athena billon, bottom one possibly Indo-Parthian, Gondopharnes, but not sure

Western Satraps

Bottom one says 'Son of Rudrasena'


Vigrahapala dramma


Habbarid Amirs of Sind


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Yaudheya coin

Yaudheyas - a western Indian dynasty in what would be present day northern Rajasthan, that lasted from about 200 BC to 500 AD. Click on image to zoom. Coin shows karttikeya and Godess Devasana (Laxmi)

Kushan, Vima Kadphises

click on image to zoom

Kushan, set of Kanishka coins

Click on image to zoom

Kushan, Vasudeva I or later, king and goddess Ardoxo (Laxmi)

Kushan, Vasudeva I or later, king and Nandi with bull

click on image to zoom

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Kushan, Vima Takto

Set of ten Huvishka coins, Kushan

Click on image to zoom

Copper cast coins, Maurya dynasty

Click on image to zoom

Kushan or local barbarian imitation

Kushan, post Vasudeva

Either Vasudeva or local imitations, showing the king and Goddess Ardoxo (Laxmi)

Bull and Horseman coin with no bull

Bull and Horseman

Punchmarked silver coin

Possibly from the Maurya period

Tiny unidentified silver coin

Copper Paisas from Elichpur mint, a feudatory of Hyderabad Nizam

East India Company

Victoria 1/12 Anna 1890

Portuguese Indian coins

Some unidentified coins

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Indo-Scythian Azes II (35 - 12 BC)

Coin shows bull, symbol of Hinduism; and lion, symbol of Buddhism. Greek and Kharoshti legend.

Kushan - Vasudeva (Bazodeo) I (191 - 225)

First Hindu Kushan king; coin shows the king, and Shiva with bull.

Kushan, Ardoxo

Bahmani Sultanate

Friday, August 22, 2008

Victoria Empress

Quarter Anna, 1896

Victoria Queen

Half Anna 1862

George V

2 Anna, 1919

George VI

Quarter Anna, 1941

2 Anna 1943

1 Anna, 1944

1 Pice, 1945

Monday, August 18, 2008

Akbar Narnol mint AH 964

963 AH, 1556

Cumberland Jack

To Hanover

Kushan imitation coin from Orissa

Crude cast imitation issued in Puri, 3rd century AD

Barbarian imitation of Kushan coin